Divorce and Social Media: How should you handle it?

Plenty of us are guilty of turning to social media to vent and share our feelings when times get tough. While divorce is an understandably difficult time in anyone’s life, social media and divorce too often get tied together. This combination can quickly spiral into a disaster if you aren’t careful about what you post.

But what’s the big deal with divorce posts on social media? While these posts might give you some brief relief, they can come back to bite you if your ex-spouse’s divorce attorney finds something that can damage your case.

So how should you handle divorce and social media? What can you do, and what should you avoid? This blog post will take you through the many ins and outs of posting on social media during your divorce to ensure that you stay cautious before you press the post button.

What are the Consequences of Divorce Posts on Social Media?

So what’s so bad about talking about your divorce on social media? There are a few consequences to consider before you decide to post. Disparaging your ex before the divorce is final can damage your case, something that’s extremely dangerous if you’re still settling factors like spousal and child support and custody.

Many attorneys use social media platforms to determine whether you’ve disparaged your ex in a way that damages your image. In the modern digital age, social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms are considered to determine the division of marital assets, alimony, child support, and custody. Depending on what you post, your social media venting can also influence how much you get in the divorce and what amount the judge decides upon.

Divorce and Social Media: The Dos and Don’ts

Now that you know the potential consequences of sharing too much on social media during your divorce, let’s explore the dos and don’ts of social media during this difficult time.

Do: Maintain Your Privacy

Now is the time to keep your personal matters private–and your social media. Don’t share the details of your divorce, legal proceedings, or other related information on your social media pages, as this can violate legal divorce processes.

Along with your personal matters, keep your social media privacy settings up-to-date. Change your privacy settings and make all your accounts private if you haven’t already to restrict who can see your posts. Pay attention to any friend or follower requests you get during this time, and be cautious before you click the accept button.

Don’t: Use Social Media as a Weapon

Divorces can be messy, and there’s no doubt that your emotions are running high during this time. While you might be inclined to air your dirty laundry on social media if you feel you’ve been wronged, avoiding using social media to get back at your soon-to-be ex-spouse is best.

Don’t post negative comments, rants, or accusations about your ex-spouse on social media, and refrain from attacking or demeaning your ex-spouse’s character. This action damages your reputation and, if discovered, can harm the outcome of your court proceedings.

Do: Think Before You Post

Before you press the publish button, consider what you’ve said in your post. Avoid posting anything related to your divorce when possible, and if you do discuss it, consider how others will perceive it, including your ex-spouse, family, friends, and others.

You should always consider the future implications of your posts. Remember that your social media can be used as evidence during legal proceedings, and stay mindful of how your posts can impact the divorce settlement.

A good way to be mindful of what you post is by focusing on positive posts that show your personal growth, achievements, and positive experiences. These posts show maturity and help you avoid dwelling on negative emotions that make you want to post about your ex on social media.

Don’t: Share Legal Details

Legal proceedings are complicated, frustrating, and exhausting when dealing with a divorce. Your stressful emotions are understandable, and you might be inclined to share the legal details of your case on your social media pages. However, it’s essential to avoid this at all costs. Also, keep legal matters confidential–do not share any information about court documents or sensitive details about your divorce. Don’t seek any additional legal advice from people on social media that would indicate your current situation.

Do: Seek Offline Support

Social media is a tempting tool to vent your frustrations–but it’s far from the most effective. Instead of relying on social media for emotional support, turn to the people you trust most. Your friends and family members are here for you during this difficult time and are ready to support you more than anyone on social media can. Additionally, seek professional help, like a therapist, to address your troubling emotions during your divorce proceedings.

Don’t: Flaunt Your New Relationship

If you’re in a new relationship, it’s understandably tempting to share the details of your love life on social media and show people that you’re healing from your divorce. However, it’s essential to avoid doing this during your legal proceedings. If social media is used to determine your character, a divorce attorney can paint you in a bad light using evidence of flaunting your new relationship. It’s also best to remain sensitive to the feelings of your ex-spouse and your children, who are also struggling during this process and adjusting to life without this relationship.

Taking Care of Yourself Post-Divorce

Caring for yourself post-divorce is essential to heal and maintain your emotional well-being. Keep the following in mind to take care of yourself once the divorce is final:

  • Surround yourself with family and friends–they’re your biggest supporters.
  • Find a therapist or professional to work through your feelings with
  • Allow yourself to grieve–feeling a range of emotions during this time is normal.
  • Set realistic goals for your healing process and celebrate your achievements.
  • Take social media breaks and avoid looking at your ex-spouse’s social media profiles.
  • Join a support group to speak with people going through similar issues.
  • Establish clear and robust boundaries with your ex-spouse for future communication, especially when children are involved.

Get Help From the Law Office of J. Ryan Johnson

J. Ryan Johnson is dedicated to providing the best legal services for family, business, and criminal law. If you’re going through legal complications, you aren’t alone. Contact the Law Office of J. Ryan Johnson today to get the legal help you need.

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